8 Tax Deduction Tips 2024

8 Tax Deduction Tips 2024

8 Tax Deduction Tips 2024

Key Tax Deductions:


1. Interest on Loan:

You can claim the interest paid on loans used to purchase investment properties as a tax deduction. This reduces taxable income and helps offset costs.


2. Depreciation:

There are two types of depreciation that can be claimed:

Division 43 (Building Depreciation): This covers the building structure and permanent fixtures.

Division 40 (Plant and Equipment): This covers assets like appliances and furnishings. Both can reduce taxable income.


3. Repairs & Maintenance:

Costs incurred to maintain or repair an investment property (like fixing leaks, replacing appliances, or regular upkeep) are deductible, helping to offset ownership expenses.


4. Council Rates & Water Charges:

These regular expenses, essential for property maintenance and utility supply, can also be claimed as tax deductions.


5. Insurance Premiums:

Insurance policies related to the investment property, such as building or landlord insurance, are deductible.


6. Agent’s Fees:

Fees paid to property managers or real estate agents for managing or leasing your property are deductible.


7. Professional Services:

Costs associated with hiring accountants, solicitors, or legal advisors to manage property-related matters can be deducted.


8. Travel Expenses (No Longer Claimable):

As per the update, travel expenses related to visiting the rental property are no longer deductible.





Important Points:


Record Keeping: The document emphasizes the importance of maintaining accurate records and receipts to support claims.

Specificity of Deductions: Only expenses directly related to the rental property (not personal expenses) are eligible for deductions.






The guide effectively provides property investors with essential information on how to maximize tax benefits by deducting various property-related costs. These deductions can significantly improve the financial viability of owning an investment property, but it’s important to stay informed about changes in tax regulations.

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